Get your DEI IQ Score here It is more important than ever to recognize and respect differences within the workplace. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are the new frontline for businesses today. Without understanding issues of diversity, there can be no real progress in becoming a more equitable organization. DEI provides an opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences, cultures, and backgrounds and promotes a culture of growth and acceptance for everyone in the workplace, regardless of their identity or perspective. By nurturing welcoming and safe environments, we can create a strong foundation for corporations that benefit all stakeholders — from top-level executives to interns. Companies putting DEI into practice are creating workplaces that are ultimately more dynamic and productive, leading to overall success. Are you aware of the DEI vocabulary? Do you know that equity and equality are not the same? Do you know your DEI IQ score? Yes, there is a DEI IQ score. And it depends on what you know about the subject and how you apply it in everyday life. Name Email 1. What do you understand about the term ‘Diversity’ at work? Range of people Range of policies Range of responsibilities All of the above None 2. What do you understand by the term ‘Inclusion’ at work? Equal responsibilities Equal resources Equal opportunity All of the above None 3. Is Equity and Equality one and the same? Yes No Not Sure None 4. Which is the right example of Equity? Giving everyone shoes Giving everyone shoes that fit Giving everyone shoes of their liking Giving everyone shoes and socks None 5. Which of these is not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010? Sex Sexual Orientation Gender Reassignment Hair color None 6. Which of these does not amount to discrimination? Selecting a restaurant based on preferences of the majority Associating color of gifts with gender of the person Hiring a suitable outstation candidate over suitable local candidates Pairing a weak player with a strong player None 7. Who should speak first in a meeting? The host The presenter The boss Anyone who wants to None 8. Is it ok to describe people by their physical appearance? Yes No As long as it's not body shaming, it’s fine. Can’t say None 9. Teaming up with people of the same nationality increases productivity Yes No Depends on the task None 10. During tough economic times, local candidates should be preferred over others Agree Disagree Neutral None 11. In Sales, candidates who speak the local language perform better than others Agree Disagree Depends Cant say None 12. If equality = sameness, equity = ? Fairness Justice Logical Concession None 13. Giving the same thing to all people irrespective of their need, is good policy. Yes No Cant say None 14. Treating people differently, but fairly is a good policy Agree Disagree Cant say None 15. What is the best approach to creating a DEI policy? Modeling your policy on other companies' DEI policies Consult every team leader and co-create Consult every employee and co-create Ask a DEI professional consultant to draft one None 16. How important is DEI training in today’s workplace scenario? Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not important None 17. How can you best gauge the impact of DEI culture in a company? By the number of DEI trainings done By the number of diverse people in leadership positions By the number of DEI complaints raised It’s better experienced than measured None 18. Some people add a B along with DEI. What does it stand for? Background Belonging Belief Balance None 19. Which of the following is not a direct benefit of diversity? Increased employee happiness Increased employee productivity Decreased work responsibilities Lower employee turnover None 20. Which of these does not qualify as discrimination? Demotion Bias Harassment Victimization None 21. Positive discrimination should be acceptable. Yes No Depends Cant Say None 1 out of 3 Time's up