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How Remote Teams Are Becoming More Productive Via Workplace Applications

teams are more productive with employee apps

Remote teams have a very specific kind of challenge to become more productive in today’s environment. Specifically, teams have to rely on each other and the corporate parent to remain aligned with the mission, vision, and values and innovate constantly to move the ball forward for the company. 

In this article, We will examine how remote teams are using technology and virtual platforms to not only become more productive but also more satisfied and engaged.

Remote teams using a single common employee communications platform can allow for greater consensus and alignment very quickly. By structuring the platform to push out the common global information that everyone needs, you can kickstart things fast. Think of basic information about the company, its products, and services. Also including information about resources, benefits, career growth, and other opportunities helps the employee so they are well educated and communicated to buy the company. Also pushing out content such as documents, news articles and other happenings inside of the company keeps everyone on the same page.

Now remote teams can also take advantage of segmentation tools and tailor content that is specific to their particular remote team in particular. This way the content and communications flow that is happening is very relevant in specific to what they are engaged with. Management can also incentivize behavior such as reading content, maybe taking part in an employee feedback survey or form, or launching a full-scale reward and recognition program with points and gift cards inside of the platform. All of these small tactics can lead to more productivity via workplace applications such as an employee communications app.

Now, having a common platform is great for everyone to play in one place, but you can also educate and train your employees as well as new hires in these remote teams on your products and services as well. Getting your employees a dedicated space where they voluntarily can participate and learn makes a good positive working environment for remote teams that may not on a day-to-day basis be exposed to what the greater company is doing at a bigger scale.

When it comes to remote teams it’s all about connecting the dots and making sure that each and every employee, no matter how decentralized they are, doesn’t feel siloed and doesn’t lose track of the greater goal for the company. Companies with remote teams that utilize technology platforms such as HubEngage can see increasing lifts in their productivity and employee engagement over time. Having the right tools with deep metrics and analytics to prove the case in point makes the justification for management on the cost of the platform as well.

When remote teams employ technology and features such as gamification with points and rewards, plus career growth tools are employed, there can be a visible peer-to-peer effect that basically gets your high performers to get your mid and low performers on track and more productive.

Are you interested in learning more about how your remote team can become more productive using workplace applications and employee communication apps such as HubEngage? Request your free demo today.


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