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What is Talent Development and Why Does it Matter


Talent development is always a big theme inside of many corporate HR and recruiting departments. With the need for attracting, training, growing and retaining the right talent, effective tools must be employed to keep up with the ever-changing needs of today’s modern workforce. That’s where employee talent development apps can help attract the right talent and foster career growth to further your businesses brand and presence.

It’s no secret that employee communication and engagement apps are becoming popular and even common place inside of organizations of all sizes. More and more, specific departments inside of companies such as human resources, recruiting and talent development are also creating their own solutions to solve their own set of needs.

Employee talent development apps can solve many employee communication challenges.

For example, inside of employee talent development apps, you can showcase information such as streaming videos, news and other multimedia content, share knowledge base information, and then ask the user to participate by demonstrating their comprehension of the knowledge you have just imparted on them through gamification tactics such as, quizzes, trivia, surveys, knowledge sessions and much more. Essentially, your employee talent development apps become a training, learning and development portal that is convenient to access, asynchronous in nature, and a within a pressure-free environment to learn and grow an employee’s skill set and knowledge base.

Learning and growing actually becomes fun, engaging and most importantly easy.

With employee talent development apps powered by robust employee communications software such as hubEngage, you can easily create experience with fun features such as built in augmented reality scanning. With this feature, you can conduct scavenger hunts inside of an office and have your users scan codes/posters/objects to unlock digital content and clues that will help them learn while growing their skill set fast.

Choosing the right employee talent development apps platform:

When you are creating employee talent development apps for your organization, make sure that you pick a platform that is loaded with a robust features set that will let you pick and choose tactics to deploy on the fly inside of your app platform through an intuitive back-end dashboard. Make sure that it has the ability to segment employees into different groups so that you target your employee population with content that matters the most and is relevant.

For example:

  • If you are on boarding millennials, you may want to gamify your content and use a lot of visual aids such as streaming video and photos with social sharing, commenting, liking , etc.
  • If you are on boarding other segments such as generation X’ers, or baby boomers even, you may want to keep it simple and give them content based on their roles and responsibilities only

You want to have an employee app platform that gives you all of the options to design how the the tactics are deployed, to whom, when and where. This can be achieved through targeting push notifications via geolocation technology so that you reach the right person, at the right place, at the right time and catch them when they are most likely to engage in the content that you were trying to get across. For example, launching a quick survey or video when someone arrives to a specific location such as an office building or at a specific time say a lunch hour. Geo-location technology is highly useful and a key reason why employee talent development apps are much more powerful than just an intranet.

Are you interested in seeing an example of employee talent development apps? Check out and see some best practices case studies and examples of deployed employee talent development apps that make impact. Start a free trial and test out all of the different features that you can deploy inside of employee talent development apps . You can customize the look and feel and add content depending on the variety of options and flexible employee training tools to build into this platform. See for yourself today!

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